About this website
This website was written to organise my understanding of money, currency and economics; subjects I believe are vital and to help those willing to listen to protect themselves from what I believe will be a coming currency collapse. There are a number of articles that attempt to cover and to some extent, summarise this information. The idea is to develop this site into a portal that links to instructive articles that further elucidate these points. Eventually I'm hoping there will be a glossary/encyclopedia, links to great resources, book reviews etc.
We're currently stuck with an outrageously dishonest monetary system. It's this author's belief that we can't really solve any of the world's problems until this is sorted out. Too many people are being disenfranchised; the wealth is being sucked upwards and it results in a disproportionate share of power. A relatively small elite can transfer a large part of the productive efforts of the population to themselves via money printing and inflation. This wealth buys and controls a lot of power - power to influence many important aspects of society and to keep the system going.
The amount of individuals in society who are independently wealthy and therefore best placed to resist increasing government coercion is shrinking at a shocking pace. The ever tightening regulation and legal framework that restricts us more and more is almost at choking point. Human beings are resourceful so our lives continue and we overcome the handicaps relatively well even if we don't realise what our lives could be like without such burdens. But, we're destroying the foundations of what little wealth we actually get and benefit from. The tick is now almost the size of the dog and the dog could be in real trouble.
Sadly, all around the world, governments are captive to this small group of beneficiaries, this elite, which comprise of supra-national corporations and the small number of people who control them. The most disturbing thing at the moment is the fact that a very large part of the people protesting are playing right into their hands. People see events unfolding and rightly conclude that something needs to be done but then demand even more government to represent the people's interests. The government no longer represents the interests of the people. The centralisation of power is removing us more and more from control over our own lives and destinies and making it easier for the few to "farm" the many.
What people think of as capitalism... isn't! It would be better described by the following terms: crony-capitalism, corporatism, fascism and neo-feudalism. We desperately need to move towards individual freedom, the re-establishment of the rule of law and property rights. We need to understand the difference between common law and maritime law (statutes); most of us have never had the opportunity to vote on things that affect our lives. For that to begin we need to see things for what they are, and for that we must learn a little history.
With the twin props of honest money and common law and the rejection of dishonest currency and maritime law we can build a decent future and lead rewarding lives.
I wasn't taught any of this by the government schools of my country - it wasn't deemed necessary, relevant or important. My teachers weren't taught any of this either, and there's a very good chance that most of the authors of the national curriculum weren't either.
There is a very instructive fable that describes our situation. A short summary is as follows..
Five monkeys are put in a cage that has a banana hanging from the ceiling and a ladder leading up to the banana. When any monkey tries to get the banana, all the monkeys are sprayed with water by the experimenter. This is repeated a few times until the monkeys stop attempting to get the banana. Then... you replace one of the monkeys with a new monkey. This new one makes a bee-line for the banana and the other monkeys, realising they are about to get soaked, stop it by beating it up. The new monkey learns the following lesson.. "Don't go for the banana or you'll get beat up". The process is repeated, replacing old monkeys with new ones until none of the original monkeys are in the cage. Despite this fact, any new monkey that goes for the banana gets beaten up, yet none of them know what the original reason was!
Our system is similar. It has evolved over time, slowly enough that it fades into the background and almost becomes unnoticeable to most people. Those people who need to understand it to keep the system running are educated and, for the lack of a better term, brainwashed into believing it makes sense. Economics is a social science for which empirical evidence is difficult to find or prove. That gives plenty of room to muddy the waters rather than win the argument. We can't look to that group to solve this mess. They are so lost in the details of the bark, they don't even know trees exist. We need to stop looking at the economy as an equation to be balanced on either side and start looking at human action, common sense and causality. The original architects of the system are long dead, and yet we still blindly play along, assisting with our own robbery and in some respects, slavery.
I hope to introduce you to concepts about money, currency and economics that will help you to protect yourself from what I believe will be a coming currency collapse. There are a number of articles that attempt to cover and to some extent, summarise this information. The idea is to develop this site into a portal that links to instructive articles that further elucidate these points. Eventually I'm hoping there will be a glossary/encyclopedia, links to great resources, book reviews etc.
I also hope to document this authors attempts to engage directly, various policy and opinion makers. I'm confident that once you have a good understanding of the situation you will feel compelled to involve yourself in the task of change, which starts with waking people up to this information, one by one if need be.